Alexandria Maria : Business Coach, International Speaker, and Mental Health Advocate

Boban John
4 min readSep 8, 2021


Alexandria Maria
Alexandria Maria

Alexandria Maria took the lessons she learned after a mental breakdown to create her coaching business, Soul Yes. With her life experience and extensive training, she helps women around the world find and manifest their purpose.

Getting to her success story wasn’t easy, though. Alexandria had to find time to heal from her perfectionism and mental blocks. However, the rough road she took ultimately led to her success.

Falling and Rising Again

Alexandria started in the corporate world with a well-paid job. In 2017, she had a steady income and all the exterior signposts of success. Despite her success and wealth, inside she was baron, broken, and burning out fast. She was constantly anxious, stressed, and sleep-deprived because of the pressure of her corporate job.

She knew something was seriously wrong when she went to New York City for a work trip. Instead of enjoying the fancy restaurants, drinks, and shopping, she found herself uninterested. Her good salary no longer kept her interested in such a high-pressure job.

Less than eighteen months after that trip, Alexandria had a mental breakdown. This breakdown pushed her to finally pull the cord and get out of her corporate job.

Shortly after leaving her corporate job, Alexandria built up her health food brand, CHAM. Her food ended up on the shelves of Ocado, Selfridges, and Whole Foods. Because of her business’ success, she was interviewed on BBC World Service.

Although her business had all the markers of success, Alexandria found herself with the same anxiety, stress, and sleep deprivation that she had at her corporate job. Instead of escaping the stress, she only traded in her corporate job stress for entrepreneurial stress.

To get away from the stress, Alexandria left CHAM and flew halfway around the world to do some soul-searching. During this time, she dug deep to deal with her perfectionism and mental blocks. From this time of healing, Soul Yes was formed. Alexandria received training as a coach, stepping into her power and finding soulmate clients and other soul-led coaches.

Alexandria Maria

Alexandria’s Work through Soul Yes

Alexandria’s soul-led coaching helps women discover their deepest desires and reignite the spark in their lives. From this renewed spark, they are equipped to build successful businesses that give them life. Instead of only building a business, they’re empowered to create abundant empires that do good in the world around them.

Soul Yes offers two separate programs: The Soulful Start-Up and a higher-level business mastermind group called The Expansion. Alexandria also hosts a series of live events in the UK, as well as short-term training like The Manifestation Masterclass and Soulful Sales Strategy.

Alexandria also provides one-on-one coaching and special in-person VIP days. These coaching events, combined with her classes, help women improve their lives and their businesses. Alexandria uses her training as a 400-hour qualified Yoga instructor and as a certified holistic health coach to help the women who seek her advice. She also holds a master’s degree in business from The University of Sydney.

Alexandria has created a valuable empire through Soul Yes. Within eighteen months of starting Soul Yes, she had her first 6-figure monthly income. Not only is Alexandria thriving, but she’s helping other women thrive as well.

Thousands of women have taken the lessons they’ve learned from Alexandria to create successful businesses of their own. The mindset work and strategic business planning help women create their dream businesses in the soul-led way.

A New Perspective on Success

As Alexandria nurtured her business to greater heights, she learned that there were still parts of her life that needed healing. Each time she reaches a new place in her business, she is challenged to reach new layers of healing on her way to higher summits of success.

After her mental breakdown and the formation of her business, Alexandria has redefined success. Instead of fearing failure, she now sees new things as an opportunity to learn and grow. This has allowed her to take bolder steps in her business.

This has made Alexandria’s definition of success more nuanced. Instead of focusing on things like a big salary and a nice house, she has become more interested in the impact she has on the world. While she has created a lucrative business, she finds fulfillment in helping others.

Alexandria has become a powerful advocate for female leadership and mental health. She’s received awards for global marketing and strategy. She continues to use her business as a platform to help women around the world.

Alexandria Maria

Alexandria’s Big Plans for the Future

Alexandria enjoys traveling around the world with her husband Jake and their dogs Coco and Bagel. She hopes to continue traveling with them as she builds up her business.

She is currently planning her first book and releasing Soul Yes’ first product. Because Alexandria wants to help thousands of women, she is always exploring creative solutions and support systems for female founders and entrepreneurs.

Whatever Alexandria and Soul Yes do in the future, we know she’ll continue to be a powerful advocate for women around the world.



Boban John

Covering Entrepreneurial stories from around the world